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Location: Fort Campbell, Kentucky, United States

A blog about the irresisitably adorable Jiltyanne Lee!

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February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005

* Friday, May 28, 2004 *

Bubba Nichols, who my husband, Paul works with. Who is also the father of Stephen, paul's best friend and John, my sister Heather's boyfriend. Had a sudden seizure and was taken to the hospital, they discovered he has brain cancer and only give him a little over a year to live, even with treatment. It's all so sudden and sad. We are going to try and raise some money or something to help them out. *cries*

DayDreamTime wished upon a star at 2:24:00 PM

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* Wednesday, May 26, 2004 *

Oh, life has been unevetful. Paul is back from his two weeks in the feild. We saw Troy, not bad overall. Been chillin out around the house. Jody is on the "end guy" playing Legend of Dragoon. Wendy and Heather have just been enjoying summer. I've gotten used to the feel of movement from the baby all the time. I feel really good. I got some more maternity clothes. So much fun. Ican't wait to see my child's eyes, and buy baby clothes and change stinky diapers...well that last one isn't tht much fun, but I've had lotsa practice anyways;)

DayDreamTime wished upon a star at 11:12:00 AM

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* Wednesday, May 19, 2004 *

Friday was my sister's(Wendy and Heather) graduation. They graduated with high honors and many little trinkets danglinf from their robes. Wendy made the Gator dance team at UF and Heather is going to Ringley art school. *sniff* My baby sister's are all grown up. There has been nothing happening worth mentioning lately. Other than graduation, which was all stressful and stuff, but good.

DayDreamTime wished upon a star at 10:28:00 AM

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* Monday, May 10, 2004 *

I went in to see the doctor last week, last Wednesday to be precise. I wanted to find out what sex my baby was going to be, and they tried and tried, until they told me the baby was just uncooperarative. The baby was very interesting in kicking the doctor. Paul will be gone for the next two weeks or so Annual Training. Bleh! Anyways. Yesterday was Mother's Day before Paul left he bought me a crystal rose, a giant card and took me out to dinner. I went to see Van Helsing, looks kickass, but I'm waiting on Paul to get back before I go, so we can see it together. Hermione is getting big fast, I need to get some pictures of her while she still looks like a puppy. My hedgehog is being prickly as usual. My sister's are graduating this Friday. I have to go to graduation without Paul. That kinda suck, but I'll take lots of pictures*^_^*

DayDreamTime wished upon a star at 8:36:00 AM

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