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Location: Fort Campbell, Kentucky, United States

A blog about the irresisitably adorable Jiltyanne Lee!

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February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005

* Saturday, February 21, 2004 *

Last night I staid the night here at my Mom,s lots have people have been over. We've been playing board games and video games and computer games, and stuff. I was just too tired to leave last night. I'm using my Mom's computer she has a much faster connection anyway. I've actually felt ok the last couple of days. Yesterday I went on a feild trip with my baby sister. We played arcade games. We wondered around the mall some. I saw the people I used to work with. They were all very nice. Well, I have the urge to eat green beans. So, later.

DayDreamTime wished upon a star at 9:08:00 PM

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* Wednesday, February 18, 2004 *

I've been reading a lot of pregnancy articles lately. One said I might get the urge to eat nonfood items like playdoe. Is this like reverting to being 3 or what? Then today I founf this article link. Believe me i haven't gotten any of these cravings yet. Hope I don't either.

DayDreamTime wished upon a star at 10:13:00 PM

* * * * * * * * *

I feel like hell. That's seem to be the typical morning of a pregnant woman.

Things I read in the news this morning Cow Drags Farmer to Safety in New Zealand. Maybe cows aren't as stupid as I thought they were.

Singapore Cuts Sentence in Oral Sex Case

"In the Asian culture, certain offences are still not talked about though in some cultures you can go sucking away, and some important people had gotten away with it," 77-year-old Chief Justice Yong Pung How was quoted by state media as telling the court at Tuesday's sentencing.

Oh Realllly?

The weirdness of the world never ceases to amaze me. Well, as you can see I have my new blog up and running. I had quit posting in my old one months ago, it just didn't seem to fit my mood anymore. That and I had been working like 80 hours a week. Now I am pregnant, I don't feel so well, although my husband and I are very excited! We will be moving to Alaska soon, just for a couple of years. All this after this bizarre dream I had that we lived there(me! Never been out of the south). Woohoo! The dog will be happy, she's a husky and the heat here in Florida get's to her at times. And this is the first real post of my new blog. The comment system is working, although I'm not really expecting to get very many. Don't really have any readers yet, but it's there just in case.

DayDreamTime wished upon a star at 11:13:00 AM

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* Tuesday, February 17, 2004 *

Are you damned?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

You will die a warrior and be spirited away by warbling wenches to the Hall of the Slain. Meat and mead for ever more, well until Ragnarok, anyway, when you will do battle with giants, giantesses, dwarfs, elves and Nidhug, a dragon who likes to nibble trees. Odin is great!

DayDreamTime wished upon a star at 11:01:00 PM

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Might actually get this into a working blog soon.

DayDreamTime wished upon a star at 7:39:00 PM

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Layout * shadowmist